LU suspend the training and assessment of Cleshars T001

February 11, 2016

LUL Track Patrolling: Strike Suspended

Following talks at and after Acas, your representatives made it clear that a line in the sand had been drawn and that as far as we was concerned that the training of Cleshars staff to undertake track patrolling was uneconomic, unnecessary and would not be tolerated by our members.

Whilst LUL reiterated their mantra that this was just a small number of staff and was only to fill in the gaps in staffing levels due to a particular roster issue once Night Tube was implemented, we did not accept that premise.

The reality is that these staff have been trained several months ago despite no date set for the introduction of Night Tube. We believe this is a strike breaking army being set up to undermine legal Industrial action and allow the last area of PWAY work to be opened up to external companies. Our mandate is clear and this situation cannot be tolerated.

However, in an effort to resolve this dispute, your representatives decided to put LUL under the microscope. If this is purely about a small roster issue, let’s resolve that, the Cleshar’s T001 staff can then be used to fill the vacancies across LUL.

To that end, we have agreed to further and more detailed roster talks regarding BCV to see if an acceptable solution can be negotiated whereby our members stay on the roster they wish and the outsourcing threat is removed. LUL also agreed to ‘suspend the training and assessment of non-permanent employees for track patrolling purposes for a period of two weeks’

If this fails then we will not hesitate to put on more strike action. In the meantime the action short of NO mentoring or assessing of Cleshars T001 staff remain lives from 06:30 Saturday 13th February


LUL Track Patrolling Dispute LEAFLET


LUL offer



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