Branch Secretary,
Paul Jackson,
07810 643 681
Ref: Celebration/ Presentation for long service members of the union.
Dear Colleague,
I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to a special social meeting on Friday 30th November , to celebrate your long membership of the RMT and formally NUR.
The venue is:
The Savoy Tup, 2 Savoy Street (Upstairs meeting room), Strand, London, WC2R 0BA (Near Temple) from 16:30.
The awards will be given at 17:30 prompt.
We have included your badges with this letter but Sean Hoyle, the RMT President, along with Steve Hedley Asst General Secretary will also be attending our social and will formally present it to you should you prefer.
There will be some money behind the bar and some food will be provided.
Many thanks,