The National Executive Committee has taken the decision to arrange a mass members meeting for all London Underground members with the General Secretary, Senior Assistant General Secretary, Lead Officer, National President, and NEC in attendance to discuss:-
- RMT 2019 Pay Submission and progress of talks with the Company.
- Transformations attacks on jobs and agreements affecting Transplant, Track Access Control, Power Control, Service Control, LUCC, Skills Development, Waste, Pumps, Stations Buildings & Civils and Signals Incidents.
- Extended Train Fleet Preparation Schedule
This meeting has been arranged for 6pm on Wednesday 24th April 2019 in the Mahatma Ghandi Hall, Indian YMCA, 41 Fitzroy Square, London W1T 6AQ.
All RMT members are welcome to attend I look forward to seeing you there.
I would like to remind all LU members of clarification that was received in 2016 regarding the above which confirmed that members should not have company sick pay withdrawn as a result of not attending informal meetings with their managers while they are off sick.
Members should stay in contact with their line manager during a period of sickness and provide the required sick certificates but non-attendance at a review meeting should not alone result in sick pay being suspended.
Further to my previous Circular (IR/119/19, 27th March 2019), the Company was advised of the dispute situation over the dismissal of Brother Harvinder Billing from his CSA2 role at Heathrow for failing to following unknown procedures in relation to ticket machine accounting and servicing. I can now advise that ballot papers will be posted to all CSA, CSS and CSM members in the Heathrow Area on Thursday 18th April and the closing date for this ballot is Thursday 2nd May 2019.
If any member does not receive their ballot paper or know of a colleague who has not received it, please ask them to call the Freephone helpline number on 0800 376 3706, RMT Head Office on 0207 387 4771 to ask for the Industrial Relations Department or e-mail to request a replacement.
Further to my previous Circular (IR/302/18, 4th July 2018), there has now been a total of five pay meetings held with the Company and each element of the RMT pay claim has been discussed in some detail. At the conclusion of these meetings, the Company has tabled a formal one-year offer which is as follows:-
- A 2.5% consolidated increase for all grades (RPI February 2019, published in March 2019), effective from 1st April 2019.
However this offer is conditional on RMT withdrawing all the other elements of our pay claim, namely:-
- A minimum flat rate increase for the lowest paid staff
- Increased payments for PM, SPIC and First Aid duties
- A reduction in the working week to 32 hours over 4 days
- An increase in annual leave entitlement
Your RMT negotiating team is of the unanimous view that this offer falls well short of members’ aspirations and in fact fails to address any element of the RMT pay and conditions claim. RMT, along with our sister unions, expressed our disappointment to the Company and in response, LU stated it is willing to hold further meetings although at this stage the above offer is the best available with what is on the table.
This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has taken the decision to formally advise LU of our rejection of the offer and that unless significant improvements are made it is likely that a dispute situation will exist over this issue. Also to prepare a ballot matrix of all London Underground members and arrange a meeting of all 2nd Stage LU Reps in order to discuss the offer and potential further steps in this campaign.
I am acting in accordance with the above and would ask that in the meantime all members check their membership records are correct. Therefore, if your job title, home address or workplace has recently changed, please contact the RMT Helpline on 0800 376 3706 or the RMT switchboard on 0207 387 4771 and ask to speak to the Industrial Relations Department. Alternatively, you can e-mail your change of membership details to
Yours sincerely

Mick Cash
General Secretary