Acas Update: Tube Lines Night Tube, Pension and Pay

July 4, 2016

The RMT met with Tube Lines and LUL management today at Acas. During this meeting we reached the following position:

Night Tube:

A poll of existing staff was conducted to find out how many would wish to transfer to LUL to retain Monday to Friday Working. This showed a variation between areas in terms of numbers but went from approximately 10-30%.

LUL agreed anyone that came over would go onto LUL Terms and Conditions (including Pension). They believed continuation of service would also apply but would confirm that in writing.

Finally, in terms of process there needs to be more work done to finalise this matter but we would probably utilise existing agreements for transfers between equal grades or individual needs.


LUL & Tube Lines stated that for Full Performance Related Pay staff (such as Q Grades etc), the bottom of the bands would be increased by the negotiated base line for the duration of the four year deal. The additional night tube payment of £500 had not been implemented and was awaiting finalisation of our talks on Night Tube. The RMT stated that the increase to the PRP pot should be equivalent to the negotiated general pay rise

In terms of non-PRP staff the pay would mirror the levels set in the LUL pay deal.


LUL & Tube Lines stated that they was still working on figures and these would be available by Thursday.

The RMT made it clear that these figures needed to before us and discussed prior to the Tube Lines Reps meeting on the 8th July. We stated that this data needed to clearly show:

  • Any numbers of potential redundancies
  • The total cost of providing the TfL Pension to those in the Tube Lines Pension Scheme
  • Location and Grades affected by any proposals
  • Any proposals can only be related to the introduction of new technology
  • A timescale for these cost savings
  • An implementation date for staff to be entered into the TFL Pension Scheme

Another meeting has been agreed for Thursday 7th July with an expectation that a final position will be placed before the representatives on Friday


Tube Lines Night Tube, Pay and Pensions Update 4 7 16

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