Blacklisting: Court Date Cancelled

January 31, 2016
  1. High Court hearing set for Monday 1st February has now been cancelled. Its very last minute but the firms only agreed the issues very late.


There is now an extension of time for any individual to join the group litigation – 28th Feb 2016 is the new deadline.

If anyone with information on the Consulting Association blacklist that has received their file from the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is not part of the High Court claim yet – HURRY UP!! Because once 29th Feb is passed, it will almost certainly be too late.


  1. #spycops – Undercover police spying on activists

Government witness statement submitted to the Pitchford inquiry defending the use of ‘Neither Confirm Nor Deny’ response by the police in relation to covert spying on peaceful democratic campaigns, including the Blacklist Support Group.


More spycops revelations coming out almost by the day:


Public Meeting in Hhackney 26th Feb:


  1. Elaine Smith MSP, deputy speaker of the Scottish parliament is hosting a viewing of the film “Blacklist” by long time friend of the Blacklist Support Group, Lucy Parker

Wednesday 10th February at 6pm

Committee Room 1.

Speakers: Neil Findlay MSP and Lucy Parker, artist filmmaker.

  1. Qatar


  1. Other bits

Video of the Anfield protest has had over 7,000 views on facebook in less than 48 hour – please circulate widely:


Robert Tressell –

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