Bob Crow – British Heart Foundation

February 8, 2019

In the next few months, Bob’s family and friends are under taking some sponsored events for charities. Please see the below message from Bob’s partner, Nicky.


I am going to be jumping a small airplane on the Friday 15th February 2019 (sky diving) with my son Anthony, my brother Alan and his son Craig for the British heart foundation in the memory of my late partner Bob Crow

I am absolutely petrified to do this and have been told to just jump out the plane and face my fears…

I don’t know if that’s a good way to look at this or not ….


This special fund will help raise vital funds for the British Heart Foundation. The BHF is the nation’s heart charity, dedicated to saving lives through pioneering research, patient care and by providing vital information.

Please copy and paste the below link for donations to Bob’s memory.



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