Category: Agreements

RMT research reveals high productivity levels of TFL staff

RMT research reveals high productivity levels of TFL staff as Government threaten savage cuts and attacks on workforce as part of finance deal
TRANSPORT UNION RMT has revealed today that the Government proposes savage cuts on London Underground and Overground in spite of the high productivity levels of its workers.
The proposed cuts are part of an austerity package being demanded by the Government in exchange for a 6 month period of ‘workplace reform’ including a return to the idea of ‘driverless trains’ and an attack on workers’ pension schemes.
However, RMT’s research shows that the amount of passenger revenue generated per member of staff has grown significantly across London Underground and Overground and that London’s Transport workers have delivered significant productivity growth in the last 10 years. Far from being a cost to be managed, staff should be at the heart of ‘building back better’ and the real financial problem at TfL is its growing debt burden.
The report shows that on both London Underground and Overground the amount of passenger revenue generated per member of staff has grown significantly:
•             Over the last 10 years, staff costs as a percentage of both income and passenger revenue (often called ‘labour’s share’) have fallen on London Underground and Overground networks.
•             On London Underground, which accounts for 52% of TfL’s income, labour’s share of income has fallen by 23% and its share of passenger revenue by 24%. The amount of passenger revenue generated per member of staff has grown by 56%.
•             On London Overground, labour’s share of income has fallen by 14% and its share of passenger revenue fell by 37%. The amount of passenger revenue generated per member of staff grew by 130% up to 2016/17.
The research also reveals that London’s Transport workers have delivered significant productivity growth in the last 10 years:
•             London Underground workers have delivered a 45% growth in productivity in the last 10 years
•             London Overground workers’ productivity has grown by 77% in the same time
RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said;
“We’re hearing a lot of nonsense about staff costs in TfL at the moment, but the truth is that however you cut it our members have consistently delivered more bang for the public’s buck, year on year.
“Our members on the Underground have delivered a 45% growth in productivity in the last 10 years, while the amount of passenger revenue generated per member of staff has grown by 56% .
“This is a workforce that’s delivered during the times of growth, put their lives on the line in the crisis and now they’re being targeted by a government that’s addicted to driving down the living standards of ordinary people.”




RMT is fighting for the future of work in public transport and the maritime and offshore sectors. The Coronavirus pandemic has exposed the importance of every worker in key services like public transport. It’s exposed the folly of attempting to run critical public services like commercial enterprises, the bankruptcy of privatisation and the outdated dogma of outsourcing.


Yet under the cover of the pandemic and with the support of government, employers across our industry are once again attacking jobs.


RMT is committed to fighting for jobs. We will fight redundancies using every tactic at our disposal, as we’ve always done. But we also know we’re not alone.


Across the UK employers are looking to impose a new round of austerity on working people. We must also support and link up with the campaigns and struggles of other unions, workers and communities who are seeking to protect and improve their jobs and communities. We will seek to build a united campaign that fights for a new deal for public transport and our members.


At the September statutory meeting the NEC gave further consideration this matter and adopted a “NEC policy statement” report and “a policy report” with the following decision: “That we note and adopt the documents on file titles, “NEC Policy Statement” and “Policy report”.


The NEC is alarmed by media reports this morning that UK firms have already started consultation on 300K redundancies. This threat faces many RMT members at this time and will affect more in the coming months. It is crucial that our union stands together to defend jobs and conditions.


The General secretary is therefore instructed to:


Distribute this decision and the NEC Policy Statement to all branches and regions and to inform all members of the statement by email and text.


Instruct all branches and regional councils to hold a meeting (in line with current NEC advice on meetings) to launch the policy as soon as possible.


To promote the policy in any way possible at the forthcoming TUC congress.


To promote the policy throughout the trade union movement wherever and however possible


To conduct a press campaign to launch the policy


To carry an article on the policy in the next edition of RMT News


The progress of this policy is to be monitored at regular meetings of the relevant special subcommittee, which will report to the NEC.”


I can advise you that our policies were pursued at the TUC and continue to be so in the wider movement and with the press and politicians and there will be further press work and campaigning to promote the policy.


As set out above, the NEC has instructed me to circulate the NEC policy statement and I encourage all branches to read, promote it among your members in their workplaces and more widely. This can be found here:




Website Issues

Dear ALL


We have been working on a new website and APP that should be ready to launch very soon.


This work has led to our website being down for a while so we would like to apologise that this occurred.

NPC members take to streets for 11th hour socially-distanced demos over axing of free TV licences

NPC members take to streets for 11th hour socially-distanced demos over axing of free TV licences

Britain’s biggest campaign group for older people will demonstrate tomorrow (Thursday 30th July) in a bid to save the free TV licence for over all 75’s before it is axed on Saturday.

Despite the ongoing threat of the pandemic, the fittest members of the National Pensioners’ Convention are staging ‘safe and socially distanced’ actions at several locations around the country.

They want the government and the BBC to stop the broadcaster imposing the £157.50 licence fee on our oldest and most vulnerable before the 1
st August deadline.

Protests are planned in London, Newcastle, Oxford, Norwich, Liverpool, Irvine and Belfast, with many more members staging social media protests from the safety of their homes.

Jan Shortt, General Secretary of the NPC said: “The free TV licence for all over 75’s is a universal entitlement to supplement our poor state pension. To force people to find the money to pay for it now, particularly during the pandemic when they rely on their TV’s for information, is just cruel.”

“That is why on Thursday, the fittest and healthiest of our older members will put on their masks and gloves – and pop sanitiser in their pockets – to join static, and socially distanced demonstrations around the country.

This is a big step for an age group that has been in lockdown longest and are just getting to grips with coming out of their homes. For that reason, we do not expect great numbers to attend, but those who are able to,  want to show just how angry all of us feel at the loss of this important benefit for our oldest and most vulnerable citizens.

“We hope the Prime Minister – who promised last November to save the free licence for over 75’s – and the BBC, hear how much distress will be caused by their actions and  take immediate steps to reverse their decisions.”

NPC protests will be happening in the following places on Thursday, 30th July:
  • London
10 Downing Street, 11:15am to 12 noon.
  • Norwich
BBC Studios at the Norwich Forum, from 11.30am.
  • Oxford
Bonn Square, from 12 noon.
  • Newcastle
BBC (Pink Palace) in Newcastle, 11.00 am until 11.45am.
  • North London
Hornsey Pensioners, BBC TV Tower, Alexandra Palace, 11.00am to 11.30am.
  • Liverpool
Merseyside Pensioners Association online Zoom protest at 7pm.
  • Northern Ireland
Static demo of 30 people outside BBC Belfast on Friday31st (time tbc).
  • Ayrshire, Scotland
Saturday, 1st August. All day protest in Irvine town centre.

The NPC is also continuing to push its social media campaign encouraging supporters to retweet the NPC’s message on its Twitter page to the Prime Minister.  NPC members who are unable to go out because they are still shielding are asked to send pictures and videos of their own home-based protests to
*For more information about the NPC protests on Thursday morning, 30th July, 2020 please contact Bev Morrison, 07588 779515 or Jan Shortt, 07773 051210.

*The National Pensioners Convention was set up in 1979 to champion the rights and welfare of the UK’s older people. It now represents more than 1.5 million people in over 1,000 different organisations across the UK and holds an Annual Convention – a pensioners’ parliament – to debate issues affecting older people.


Other TV Licence materials

Dont Switch Us Off poster 
TV Licence poster 
TV Licence Flyer 
TV Licensing briefing 

Don’t forget to also tweet:

@BorisJohnson promised no one over75 would pay for a #TVlicence and you would sort it. Stop blaming the #BBC. 3.7 million over 75s will now have to choose to pay to watch TV or cut down on essentials like food & fuel or lose a source of info & company #BorisPromised #SwitchedOff

Further information about the NPC can be found on

LUL Circular 30th July 2020

Further to my previous Circular (IR/208/20, 13th June 2020), the Union declared a dispute with LUL over managements’ refusal to adhere to the agreement for station staff to be adequately protected regarding social distancing by holding discussions to explore shorter shifts and/or additional rest days.
Since this time, a number of meetings have taken place with management at Stations Functional Council level and significant progress has been made. The Area Managers concerned have now taken steps to observe the relevant agreement and have enabled the creation of rosters or local working arrangements which reduce time spent on customer facing duties during the pandemic.
The National Executive Committee has considered this matter and congratulated our Reps and all members involved for securing the implementation of acceptable rosters during the Covid-19 pandemic. It is however appalling that RMT had to threaten strike action before some managers would implement safe working practices that had been agreed between management and the Union at functional level.
While the above is a positive step forward and represents an agreed plan to progress the matter, the dispute is not fully resolved and discussions will continue to take place within the machinery. I will of course continue to closely monitor all developments and keep Branches advised accordingly.
Further to my previous Circular (IR/262/20, 16th July 2020), the Union declared a dispute with LUL over working conditions for members at Hammersmith Service Control Centre. The National Executive Committee has considered this matter again and noted the Lead Officer’s report that the Company has agreed to meet RMT on 3rd August 2020.
The NEC will consider this matter again following these talks and I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.
Further to my previous Circular (IR/208/20, 13th June 2020), the Lead Officer advised that Balfour Beatty are looking to bring back 6 out of 11 track supervisors from furlough. Anyone not un-furloughed to the LUL Contract will be offered redeployment roles at Kings Cross, Doncaster and Peterborough.
This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has noted the correspondence and that the current selection criteria proposed by the Company are unacceptable. Discussions with the Company are ongoing and I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.

Branch Hardship Fund

The Branch Hardship Fund is now fast approaching £5000.


This has been an amazing effort by our branches, supporters and activists and we thank you very much.


If you have been financially affected by Covid-19, then please contact your local rep or email


To make a claim, please fill in the form below and leave your contact details and we will call you asap.

Please Support RMT Members With No Wages!

Please Support RMT Members With No Wages!
RMT London Transport Region Zero Hours & Self-Employed members need our Solidarity Now!
Many of our regions self-employed members and those on zero hours have not any had wages for 2 months since March
They have been abandoned by London Underground, TfL, the London Mayor and their agency employers
They MUST NOT be abandoned by us too; their RMT sisters and brothers!
The RMT London Transport Regional Council and LU Engineering RMT branch are calling out to all branches, members and friends to dig deep and give meaningful solidarity to our hard pressed members facing poverty and possibly eviction from their homes.
To help support by donating to the fund or to ask after support for yourself, please email:

New Inflation rates for year to April 2020

New Inflation rates for year to April 2020
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) have published inflation rates for the year to April 2020. The Retail Prices Index (RPI) has decreased to 1.5%, which is 1.1% down on the year to March 2020. The alternative measures of CPI and CPIH were 0.8% (down 0.7%) and 0.9% (down 0.6%) respectively.
Your union’s policy is to use the RPI rate for all pay negotiations. Should an employer attempt to use alternative inflation measures during pay talks, please inform the National Policy department as soon as possible.
I would be grateful if you could bring the content of this circular to the attention of all members in your Branch.


Never before have the Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999 been so important to pregnant women who work in the transport industry.  Under these regulations:
1.            Employers must try to remove or prevent exposure to risks
2.            If that is not possible, working from home should be allowed
3.            If that is not possible, suitable alternative employment at the same rate of pay should be offered if available
4.            If none of this is possible, pregnant women must be suspended from work on full pay for as long as necessary. 
The obligation for a risk assessment for all working pregnant women is made clear in the guidance by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.  This is linked on the government’s website ( Covid-19 guidance page, under the title Health and Wellbeing – Guidance on pregnancy and coronavirus:
Do note that detailed information is also provided by the specialist group Maternity Action:
Please make the contents of this Circular available to all appropriate members.
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash

What is Cyberbullying?



Social networking sites, messaging apps, gaming sites and chat rooms such as Facebook, XBox Live, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat and other chat rooms can be great fun and a positive experience.


But things can go wrong.


Cyberbullying can be defined as the use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate and hostile behaviour by an individual or group that is intended to harm others.



Typically cyberbullying involves the use of the Internet, email or mobile phones to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person. In many cases, the spreading of offensive jokes or shocking or sexual material via phone or email may also constitute cyber-harassment.


Cyber bullying is rife on the internet and most young people will experience it or see it at some time. In a recent national bullying survey, 56% of young people said they have seen others be bullied online and 42% have felt unsafe online.


Cyber bullying can happen 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and it can go viral very fast.




A Troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses and normalizing tangential discussion, whether for the troll’s amusement or a specific gain


Types of cyberbullying:


There are many ways of bullying someone online and for some it can take shape in more ways than one. Some of the types of cyber bullying are:


Harassment – This is the act of sending offensive, rude, and insulting messages and being abusive. Nasty or humiliating comments on posts, photos and in chat rooms..


Denigration – This is when someone may send information about another person that is fake, damaging and untrue. Sharing photos of someone for the purpose to ridicule, spreading fake rumours and gossip. This can be on any site online or on apps. We even hear about people altering photos of others and posting in online for the purpose of bullying.


Flaming – This is when someone is purposely using really extreme and offensive language and getting into online arguments and fights. They do this to cause reactions and enjoy the fact it causes someone to get distressed.


Impersonation – This is when someone will hack into someone’s email or social networking account and use the person’s online identity to send or post vicious or embarrassing material to/about others. The making up of fake profiles on social network sites, apps and online are common place and it can be really difficult to get them closed down.


Outing and Trickery – This is when someone may share personal information about another or trick someone into revealing secrets and forward it to others. They may also do this with private images and videos too.


Cyber Stalking – This is the act of repeatedly sending messages that include threats of harm, harassment, intimidating messages, or engaging in other online activities that make a person afraid for his or her safety. The actions may be illegal too depending on what they are doing.


Exclusion – This is when others intentionally leave someone out of a group such as group messages, online apps, gaming sites and other online engagement. This is also a form of social bullying and a very common. 


Bullying by spreading rumours and gossip


The worst thing about social networking sites and messaging apps is that anything nasty posted about you can be seen by lots of people and these posts can go viral very fast and be shared by so many people within minutes in some cases.


Posting false and malicious things about people on the internet can be classed as harassment.


Threatening behaviour


Anyone who makes threats to you on the internet could be committing a criminal offence. It’s against the law in the UK to use the phone system, which includes the internet, to cause alarm or distress. It could also be against the 1997 Harassment Act.


If threats are made against you then it’s essential you confide in  someone you trust so that they can make a complaint.


If you can’t print out the threats use the “print screen” button or snipping tool to take a snapshot of the computer screen and then save that somewhere safe. Or if you have a phone or tablet, use the screenshot function and keep these images safe.


Tips and advice 


  1. If you post abuse about anyone else online or if you send threats, you can be traced by the authorities. Every time you visit a website or make a posting, your internet service provider, Sky, BT or Virgin, has an electronic note of your activity. Even if you create an anonymous email address like Gmail, Hotmail or Yahoo, you can still be traced. Also, speak to your trade union representative who can support you through this period.
  2. Keep safe by using unusual passwords. Use a combination of letters, lowercase, uppercase, symbols and numbers. Don’t use any part of your name or email address and don’t use your birth date either because that’s easy for people who know you to guess. Don’t let anyone see you signing in and if they do, change the password as soon as you can.
  3. If you are using a public computer such as one in a library, computer shop, or even a shared family computer, be sure to sign out of any web service you are using before leaving the computer so that you can protect your privacy.
  4. Being bullied online can affect someone enormously. Being bullied can impact on a person’s self-esteem, confidence and social skills. Try to consider the impact your words may have and think twice before posting.



RMT Mutual Respect Policy



The importance of us having your correct details

Did you know that the RMT needs your details to be correct because in the event of industrial action, we need to reach certain levels of accuracy regarding grade, location and company but also thresholds for a ballot to be legal.


Under the 2016 Trade Union Act Ballots for industrial action in important public services will need at least 40% of union members to have voted in favour of them before disruptive strikes can go ahead and at least a 50% turnout.


This is to make it harder for your union to defend or enhance your terms and conditions.


So can every member please make sure that your address, contact and employment details are correct.


You can check online at
