Ex-Metronet Grades Breakdown in Industrial Relations

August 18, 2014

The RMT have asked to meet LUL at Acas in order to avoid a dispute over the below issues:

  1. Metronet Breakdown in Industrial Relations:
    1. VLU and onboard signalling being done by signals
    2. Incident Management Reorganisation imposed without talks being concluded in a rushed a ill conceived manner
    3. Representation rights at fact findings and harassment cases for all members 
    4. Treatment of night staff, Mondays/ medicals etc and failure of LUL to allow these people two nights off
    5. Use of pway contractors on the Vic Line to do signalling staff
    6. That management deals with all outstanding items and failures to agree from both Tier 2 and Functional within a timely manner
    7. The TG Graded staff be given the opportunity to convert to Q Grades
    8. That’s the on-call roster payments are brought in line with pay rises since 2007
    9. That the attendance at work policy is not redefined and reinterpreted in our area to allow Rainbow through the back door and to remove annual leave for people that are sick and go abroad to recuperate
    10. Certain HR PMA’s are removed from our sphere of influence and abuses to the Absence at Work Policy

All these issues have been outstanding for months and the situation is becoming intolerable to our members.


More details to follow following acas

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