In honour of Bob Crow

August 11, 2015

In honour of Bob Crow  –  bike ride London to Paris 5 to 7 September 2015 in aid of the British Heart foundation,1Q6HK,H86M71,656W9,1

Ben Anderson, Daniel Davies, John Hendy (QC) and Anthony Hoarau (son) are the ‘Red Riders’! we are cycling a gruelling 400KM From London to Paris in aid of the British heart foundation. By undertaking this great challenge we hope that with your help we can raise awareness and fund research into heart related illnesses.
A wise man once said ..“ if you get up and fight you might lose, but if you don’t fight you will definitely lose”.

This is a message that resonates with us as we hope that by supporting the British heart foundation we can fight heart disease which is a leading killer of the under privileged and poor of the western and developing world.

We ride from London to Paris in memory of the late and great Bob Crow, a man with a huge heart and defender of the working people and hope we too can ‘hold the banner’ in some small way and keep his memory and legacy alive.

Nicola Hoarau

Office Manager

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