Latest RMT Circular

August 20, 2016



Further to my previous Circular (IR/237/16, 12th August 2016), branches will be aware that our members voted overwhelmingly in favour of industrial action over management’s total failure to meet our fair demand for pay parity.

LUL purchased new tamper machines in 2015 which they intended to operate with contractors, therefore leaving RMT Tube Lines members with old stock and less work. Following long and protracted negotiations, an agreement was reached for RMT members to work the new machines which resulted in a new roster, 9 new jobs and a 6.3% salary increase. While this is of course a good and welcome agreement for all concerned, it did leave a disparity where our members’ salaries are no longer in line with those of their Tamper colleagues.

Talks to try to address this disparity have regrettably failed and we are left with no option but to call industrial action. We cannot accept such disparity in pay and management must be sent a clear message it will not be tolerated.

Members are therefore instructed not to book on for any shifts that commence between: –

  • 59 hours Friday 26th August 2016 until 05.59 Sunday 28th August 2016

In addition, members are instructed not to work any overtime between: –

  • 06.00 hours Sunday 28th August 2016 and 05.59 hours Tuesday 30th August 2016.

I urge you our members to stand shoulder to shoulder during this action. Management must be left in no doubt of our strength and determination to have our demands met.  We will continue to seek meaningful discussions to resolve this dispute and branches will be kept fully informed of developments.



 Further to my previous Circular (Ref: IR/212/16, 29th July 2016), I advised you of the magnificent vote of our members in favour of taking industrial action. A subsequent meeting of our relevant representatives was held at Unity House at which it was reported that the two disciplinary cases had now been dealt with at the appeal stage and our members were happy with the outcome.

Tube Lines has also agreed to introduce a SPAD procedure which will be a copy of the existing LUL procedure, thus our members should not find themselves in this situation again. It was also made very clear at the meeting that it was the ballot and support of all our members working at Northfields which led to Tube Lines backing down and withdrawing the punishments which it had originally handed out at the disciplinary hearings.

The National Executive Committee has therefore considered and noted all developments and congratulated our members, reps and lead officer for winning this excellent settlement. Additionally, the NEC instructed me to close the file.



Further to my previous Circular (IR/169/16, 15th June 2016) I received correspondence from the company after I advised them of a dispute situation arising as a result of it failing to provide the required assurances to protect members’ pay and terms and conditions. However, the company said it would carry on with the implementation of the Job Descriptions and failed to mention your union’s three demands to enable discussions. Namely, No redundancies, wages to be protected and all staff moved would be in consultation and with RMT agreement.

Subsequent correspondence from the company provides for a three month protection of earnings, but the main issue remains that the process has not been halted.

The National Executive Committee has noted these matters and has instructed me to organise a meeting of our Interserve reps on LUL to discuss the proposals outlined in the Interserve correspondence and to use such a meeting to discuss our formal response to the company. I will keep you advised on this matter following the meeting.


Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary

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