September 28, 2016


Acting Secretary: Oliver New

Contact: 07931 198501

Minutes of Branch Meeting 6th September 2016 in Unity House

Present  were Jackie Darby, Carol Foster, Gary Weston, Olly New, Martin Eady, Roy Carey and guest speaker John Reid

Apologies were received from Geoff Palmer, Frank Murray and John Leach.

It was agreed that Carol chair the meeting.

Minutes:  The minutes of the previous meeting, which had re-launched the Branch, were agreed as a true record.

Matters Arising from the Minutes:

  • Jacky had discussed the LT Pension Consultative Committee with Mark Harding. A nominee was needed for the retired section, but the deadline was too short for the branch to assist. Mark had offered to help with some names of retired members.
  • Olly had arranged for the Branch to be publicised in a yellow circular
  • Carol reported that the National Pensioners Convention was holding a Greater London Rally on 2nd November at 1130 am on Old Palace Yard, opposite the House of Commons.


Everybody briefly introduced themselves.

Martin had brought copies of his excellent just published book “Hold on Tight – London Transport and the Trade Unions”.


  • Olly reported that the branch is still in the process of establishing itself and acquiring members – he had contacted all LT RMT Branches asking them to contact or pass on names of retired activists.
  • Martin and Carol had contacted several former activists, who were interested, although most were no longer in London.

Guest Speaker John Reid the RMT LT Executive Member reported on some of the current issues facing RMT.  The strikes taking place on Southern are not merely against the removal of guards, but effectively the removal of RMT. Southern management had made major concessions to station staff to prevent RMT opening a second front.

On LUL, the core working agreements on Fleet was under threat.

On the Piccadilly Line, threats of drivers strike action had beaten back management on 7 disciplinary cases and a similar struggle was underway on the H&C.  There was a major success in Tubelines coming back in house although there was a dispute over pay parity.

The big issue was stations and although RMT has done well in reducing the impact on members and jobs over 800 posts had gone and jobs was being systematically de-skilled and downgraded. Another ballot was possible.

LUL was preparing another across the board major re-structure (a so-called “Transformation”) in order to make cuts of 2.9 billion pounds.

Overall there is a huge bosses offensive but RMT’s record of resistance was far better than other areas – average RMT members pay had slightly beaten inflation over the last 10 years.

Regional Organiser John Leach had met the Mayor and used the opportunity to raise the issue of bringing cleaners in house. We need to keep organising and recruiting cleaners. John was thanked for his excellent report.



Olly circulated correspondence and highlighted out items of interest including a report from the AGM. It was noted that RMT was not seeking affiliation to the Labour Party, but remaining independent while supporting progressive developments.  A discussion ensued.


Building the Branch:

Roy offered to promote the Branch on Facebook

Carole offered to make phone calls to identified former activists and reps

Olly would try to get a list of former reps

Jacky would contact Paul Jackson and ask for contact details of former activists

Martin would do the same with Bill Teale.


Future Activity:

Cleaners’ recruitment – normally a 10.00am meet up at Unity House on the first Monday.

Southern picket lines – Ray was going

Olly was asked to bring flags and badges to the next meeting

It was agreed that when the Branch was bigger we would start to invite outside speakers – Dot Gibson and Louise Irvine were suggested and a speaker on social services. It was agreed to ask Mark Harding to talk about the LT Pension.

Discussion at next meeting:  Olly would talk about the battle to defend our NHS.


It was agreed that we would elect the following officers at the next meeting on November 1st.

  • Secretary
  • Assistant Secretary
  • Chair
  • Vice-Chair
  • Pensions Liaison Officer

Plus delegates to the London Transport Regional Council.

Future Meetings:

The next meeting will be Tuesday 1st November at 14.00 in meeting Room 1, Unity House.

In 2017:  Tuesday 10 January, Tuesday 7 March and Tuesday 2nd May (subject to room availability).

No other business: meeting closed

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