March to Kill the Housing Bill housing demo

January 19, 2016

March to Kill the Housing Bill housing demo

January 30th

Start from Imperial War Museum 12pm ( SE1 6HZ)

March to Cameron’s publicly funded home in Downing Street for 2pm

The Housing Bill marks the end of social housing

The end of secure lifetime tenancies. Council tenancies will be for 2 to 5 years with no right to pass it on to your children. Landlords will have access to tenant’s personal income information and if households start to earn over £40,000 (a couple on the living wage) they will be hit with a PAY-TO-STAY TAX for the difference between their social rent and the market rent – in Waterloo that would be an average of £26,000.
Local authorities will be forced to sell ‘high value’ properties whenever they come vacant – what flat in London is not high value? Housing association tenants will get the right to buy, so reducing stock further
Private renters and travellers will have reduced housing rights. The Bill increases the eviction powers of landlords.
Developers will have to build ‘starter homes’ for sale instead of ‘affordable’ homes for rent. Starter homes will be worth up to £450,000 and sold at a 20% discount – but only to people with enough money to get that kind of a mortgage!

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