Retired Members Branch Meeting 7th March

February 25, 2017


I hope you can come along to the next meeting of the RMT London Transport Retired Members Branch.   It’s on Tuesday 7th March 2017 at 14.00 in Unity House, 39 Chalton Street London NW1 1JD.

We will be discussing ongoing RMT issues, and branch activities including the 2017 Retired Members Conference.  Please find attached minutes of the last meeting.

We have a guest speaker, Tessa Van Gelderen, former RMT tutor (remember Frant Place?) and Branch Secretary.  As requested by the last Branch Tessa will be talking about women’s rights and abortion, 50 years after it was legalised in the face of right wing and religious opposition.  Our meeting is also the day before International Womens Day!

Please take this opportunity to tell retired members that you have contact details for.  We are slowly building up mainly through e-mails and word of mouth.


Following a resolution from this Branch to the Region, the RMT nationally is encouraging all members to support the national demonstration on Saturday March 4th.  It assembles at 12.00 noon in Tavistock Square (nearest tube Russell Square but easily walkable from Euston).  The website is here  and they have produced good videos, like this one

I’ve put dates below of a few other events you may be interested in,

Hope to see you on the 7th March,


Oliver New

Secretary 07931 198501

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