RMT Circular

May 15, 2015

Dear Colleagues,




Further to my previous Circular (IR/107/15, 23rd April 2015), the ballot has concluded and the result is as follows:-


Question: Are you prepared to take strike action?


Total Votes Cast                  398

Number Voting ‘Yes’             337

Number Voting ‘No’              61

Spoilt Papers                       0


The General Grades Committee is currently considering this result and I shall advise Branches of its decision in due course.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/107/15, 23rd April 2015), the ballot has concluded and the result is as follows:-


Question: Are you prepared to take strike action?


Total Votes Cast                  58

Number Voting ‘Yes’             51

Number Voting ‘No’              7

Spoilt Papers                       0


The General Grades Committee is currently considering this result and I shall advise Branches of its decision in due course.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/107/15, 23rd April 2015), the following resolution was received from the London Transport Regional Council:-


“This region condemns London Underground for their naked attempt to divide the tube’s workforce by making different pay offers according to grade. LU’s claim that some grades are not impacted as much by night-tube has been made in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary  and represents nothing more than a cynical attempt to break the unity of RMT members across trains, stations and engineering grades.


LU’s offer remains a below inflation pay rise with derisory one-off payments in return for delivering night-tube. This is wholly unacceptable to our union.


This comes on top of fit for the future, which as it stands will leave our stations chronically understaffed and many members in unacceptable grades or locations. 


We applaud every member who took strike action over LU’s austerity cuts and we endorse the negotiating position of our union. Our strike action has won important shifts in LU’s position including a guarantee that no member would lose their substantive salary.


However, it is clear that LU’s proposals remain unacceptable in relation to both pay and austerity cuts. At the present time these include:


  • Below inflation pay offer
  • Demand for complete implementation of night tube tied to a no strike clause. This would include our acceptance of new rosters across functions accepting sharp increases in night and weekend working.
  • 900 job cuts on LU stations
  • Displacement of around 1500 station grades with many sent to unacceptable new locations.


In order to resolve these issues we will have to take significant strike action.


We are at our strongest when all grades are united. It would be preferable to take all grades action in order to fight on the key issues we face. We have to take account of the different mood of members in different functions. LU has pursued a deliberate strategy of imposing austerity on stations ahead of other areas and it is understandable that some members are not yet convinced of the need for immediate strikes.


RMT must seek to convince members that all grades action is required to ensure that night tube does not result in unacceptable rosters with more weekend and night working and to win a fair pay settlement. RMT should fight on these issues at the same time as the additional issues facing stations.


It may be necessary to take separate industrial action, either strikes or action short of strikes, on stations in response to LU’s fit for the future programme. In particular, LU’s continuing failure to restore significant numbers of jobs to our stations is a crucial issue, alongside issues relating to rosters and location.


Additionally, RMT will continue to campaign amongst passengers and the wider public against ticket office closures and job cuts on the tube.


The LTRC will produce regular propaganda in support of this fight. The GGC should convene reps meetings as necessary to ensure the involvement of reps in the development of our strategy.”


The Lead Officer and Senior Reps have attended two further meetings regarding this matter but no new offer was made and a mass meeting of members has taken place where this matter was discussed. The General Grades Committee has taken the decision to prepare an all grades ballot matrix of London Underground members as a matter of urgency. I am currently acting in accordance with this decision and would be grateful if Branches could ensure that all members’ details are correct.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/70/15, 12th March 2015), this matter was raised at a Stations Functional Council meeting where a failure to agree was recorded over the Company refusing to honour its transfer procedure for station staff and I am currently seeking legal advice as to whether LUL’s action constitutes a breach of members’ contracts of employment.


A further resolution has been received from the London Transport Regional Council regarding LUL’s practice of employing CSA’s on fixed term contracts rather than moving these colleagues onto permanent CSA1 grade positions. Our Union has a history of opposing this type of contract and we should continue this tradition. The Branch calls for action including making a case for transferring members into permanent CSA1 positions and requiring a timetable for this to happen, producing literature about the issue and being prepared to take industrial action.


I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/100/15, 16th April 2015), a resolution regarding this matter has been received from the London Transport Regional Council, which notes the recent dismissal of Noel Roberts whilst fit and at work. This amounts to a capability/rainbow dismissal which is not a recognised nor agreed procedure with our Union and leaves all LUL members vulnerable to being sacked whilst fit and at work.


This matter has been considered by the General Grades Committee, which has taken the decision to reiterate our position to LUL that we are opposed to the capability/rainbow disciplinaries and dismissals and to seek advice over the legality of members being sent to Occupational Health, which is perceived to be part of the disciplinary and dismissal procedure.


I am currently acting in accordance with this decision and will keep Branches advised of all further developments.




Further to my previous Circular (IR/340/14, 19th December 2015), members will recall that the industrial action was suspended to allow for further discussions to take place and to explore a way forward that would meet our claim for Service Controller’s to be paid the SCL1 for the job.


Unfortunately, these talks failed to make satisfactory progress on the issue and this matter has been considered by the General Grades Committee, which has taken the decision to organise a meeting of all affected members as soon as possible. I am currently acting in accordance with this decision and will keep Branches advised of all further developments.


Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary


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