October 4, 2015

To: All Branches & Regional Councils, Regional Organisers and Head Office Officers.


Dear Colleague




The union has for almost 2 years had a ‘partnership’ agreement with Northern College, in particular a working relationship with the college Trade Union Education department. This arrangement has proved very beneficial to the Union in terms of advice and expertise drawn from the many years the College has been a Trade Union Education provider.


During this period it has also been possible to ‘accredit’ our own programme, which essentially allows our members completing courses at the Bob Crow National Education Centre to receive ‘academic awards’ that are of real value. It has also enabled us to have our individual courses properly tested against external assessment, provide quality training and ongoing support through tutor observations to our RMT Lay Tutors as well the ability to draw funding towards the cost of our education programme. This has been against a background of continuing attacks on education funding by the government that has beset Northern College and all other TU colleges. The funding situation for adult education generally is still precarious in the medium term.


In the current in-house review of each of our courses (ongoing) and changes to education funding again it has still been possible to devise a new and enhanced ‘reward’ system for our members going forward into 2016, which fits the requirements to continue with an accredited programme. In 2016 it is intended that three new levels of achievement will be available to members completing courses in Doncaster.


  1. An Award in RMT Trade Union Studies, provided for Workplace Reps Level 1
  2. A Certificate in RMT Trade Union Studies, provided for Workplace Reps Level 2 & 3, Branch Officials Level 1 & 2, and also for courses such as Pensions (5 days), Equality, and work is ongoing for to ensure each of our stand alone courses attract this certificate level.
  3. An Advanced Certificate in RMT Trade Union Studies, this will require the RMT member to complete the Advance Certificate Parts 1,2,3 & 4, covering, Representation, Organising, Communications, and Campaigning – over a period of time to suit them.

Those seeking to complete this Advanced programme should have completed the Workplace Reps Level 1 & 2 and/or Branch Officials Level 1 & 2, in previous years.


The Workplace Reps Intro course remains a vital starting place for all wanting to embark on a programme of education and training to contribute to the work of organising a strong RMT and representing our members. These Workplace Reps Intro courses should be run in all regions and the costs are met by Head office.


I hope you will welcome this development, for further information please contact the RMT National Education Officer at a.gilchrist@rmt.org.uk



Yours sincerely


Mick Cash

RMT General Secretary

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