Social Media Comments by Senior Assistant General Secretary

April 12, 2020
Social Media Comments by Senior Assistant General Secretary
The Senior Assistant General Secretary made a number of controversial comments on social media this week in relation to the public health crisis and the government.
Once I became aware of the matter, it was necessary for the President and I to issue a statement which stated: “Steve Hedley’s comments do not represent the views of this trade union and are wholly unacceptable.” I also wrote to the Senior Assistant General Secretary but have yet to receive a reply.
However, the comments have attracted widespread negative media coverage which has led to an extraordinarily large volume of complaints, from both RMT members and the public, through social media and also directly to the Union and our staff with unprecedented levels of hostility.
This matter was placed before a Special meeting of the National Executive Committee today. The NEC has taken the following Decision:
“We note the report from the General Secretary and instruct him to suspend the Senior Assistant General Secretary with immediate effect, pending a formal investigation.
Mick Cash, RMT General Secretary

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