Train Ticket Price Hike

January 3, 2018

On 25th anniversary year of railway privatisation new study shows yesterday’s rail fare hikes will worsen the cost of living crisis

The 2nd of January marked the 25th anniversary of The Railway Act of 1993 – that led to the privatisation of the railways – and the day before rail season tickets are due to rise in price by 3.6% and fares on average by 3.4% a new RMT study has found that:‎


•        Today’s increase of 3.6% on season tickets is over 50% more than the increase in earnings over the last year alone

•        Rail fares have increased 5 times the rate of public sector pay awards and at twice the speed of average earnings since 2010

•        The average commuter pays over 10% their net income on fares, with some commuters paying as much as 20%

•        Commuter rail travel is now a pipe dream for those on low incomes. If you are on the National Living Wage you could spend on average 20% of your wages on fares


The figures were revealed as fare protests organised by the RMT were to take place at forty stations around the country when passengers returned to work on 2nd January. 

At many locations RMT members will be handed out chocolates to commuters to at least sweeten the bitter pill of the fare rises.

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said,

“It’s another New Year and yet another hike in fares for passengers. These eye watering increases will make it even harder for workers to get by.

“Whilst workers are struggling the private train companies are raking it in. As we enter the 25th year anniversary of railway privatisation legislation the need for public ownership of rail has never been more popular or necessary”.


fares NLA

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