Title: TransPlant Operational Staff Christmas Working Arrangements: Financial Year 2014/15
Hi Everyone,
Although Summer is not quite finished I find ourselves already deep into planning for the Winter and more specifically for the expected blockade over the forthcoming Christmas period. I therefore need to establish whether we have volunteers who are willing to work over this period and detail below the arrangements for this year. You will see that other than the dates changing, it’s the same as l put out for last Christmas.
The Christmas Period For the purposes of this document, the Christmas Period is defined as; from 15.00hrs 24th December 2014 through to 0700hrs 2nd January 2015 inclusive.
As a default position, any staff that have rostered work shifts in the Christmas Period will instead have these shifts reallocated as annual leave (in compliance with the Framework Agreement appendix 13 and with custom and practice over previous years).
Remuneration For those staff who are rostered on a rest day during the Christmas Period and who volunteer to work and who are selected to work, will be allowed to take a replacement rest day at a later date (treated as a lieu day).
For those staff who are rostered on an annual leave day during the Christmas Period and who volunteer to work and who are selected to work, will be allowed to take a deferred annual leave day to be taken at a later date (treated as a lieu day).
Staff will be paid an enhanced rate of 3 times their normal rate of pay if physically working during the Christmas Period (see above for clarification of relevant dates/times).
Any lieu days earned in accordance with the above must be used by 31st May 2015.
Staff required to be “on standby” will receive a normal rate of pay equivalent to an 8 hour shift. In the event that someone is then called in to work then that individual will receive remuneration as per the above paragraphs. In the event that staff “on standby” are unable to immediately attend work if requested, then all payments in accordance with this paragraph are forfeited.
Shift Durations Any staff working over the Christmas Period will be expected to work a minimum shift duration of 12 hours (being from time of signing on at the designated location or Ruislip Depot through to signing out at that location) with 11.5 hours work actually delivered (half hour break allowance).
Any staff “on standby” will be required to be available for a 12 hour period, which will be rostered in advance.
Staff Affected TransPlant staff will be required to volunteer for working during the Christmas Period. Any staff not working over the Christmas Period will either remain on their rostered rest day or will be allocated annual leave as per above.
Not all staff that volunteer are guaranteed work over the Christmas Period – the work is based upon customer demand.
Those staff wishing to volunteer for working over the Christmas Period shall confirm their interest to their department Manager (Operations Delivery Manager, Project Delivery Manager or the Asset Delivery Manager as appropriate) by 07.00hrs on 27th October 2014.
Note: the work content for the Christmas Period is not yet confirmed and is subject to cancellation in the event of changes to Customer requirements or insufficient volunteers from TransPlant. In the event of a cancellation later than 17.00hrs on 22nd December then staff that had been allocated working shifts will be compensated with a payment equivalent to a normal rate of pay (8 hours) for each shift not worked.
Andy Pereira – Head Of TransPlant |