Tube Lines Pay/ Night Tube & Pensions

March 2, 2016



Thank you for your report dated 28th February regarding the above. This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has taken the following decision:-

“Further to our Decision 173 of 28/1/16, a meeting of Tube Lines Reps with the Lead Officer, Senior AGS and NEC members was held on 23rd February. We note the report from the Lead Officer and the latest pay offer from Tube Lines. The Reps were unanimously of the view that the Pay and Night Tube offer is unacceptable, and that the Company’s refusal to discuss the Pensions issue until after the launch of Night Tube is also unacceptable.

 We therefore instruct the General Secretary to:-


  1. Inform Tube Lines that we reject their Pay and Night Tube offer, that we insist on the early resumption of talks over the Pensions issue, and that we are in dispute over these issues.
  2. Send a personal letter to all members, giving a history of the Pension dispute, the reasons it is linked to Pay and Night Tube, together with our objections and why we also reject the Pay and Night Tube offer. The letter should say that we will be holding a new ballot for industrial action on Pensions, Pay and Night Tube, and previous ballots no longer apply. The letter should ask members to confirm their membership details.
  3. Prepare publicity and distribute it to the workplaces.
  4. Prepare a ballot matrix of our Tube Lines members.
  5. Once this is completed, ballot our members for industrial action in the form of strike action and action short of a strike.

 London Transport Regional Council and Branches to be informed.

The decision and relevant papers should also be placed on file MRP2/10 Tube Lines – Action on Pensions.

I am currently acting in accordance with this decision and will keep you advised of all further developments.

Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary


Tube Lines Pay Offer

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