Tube Lines Safety Forum Minutes March 2016

March 29, 2016

Minutes of the AP JNP Health & Safety Forum

On Thursday 17th March 2016 at 10:00 to 13:00

In Auditorium 1, Ground Floor, Westferry Circus


  Attendees representing Management:

Angela Back, Head of HSE Operations (Chair)

Paul Cooper, JNP HSE Senior Manager

Paul Rankin, Head of Operations

Donna Goodwin-Sobczyk, Meeting Secretary


Attendees representing the Trade Unions:

Peter Bickers, RMT

Russ Clark, RMT

Pat Gaskin, RMT

Michael Jones, ASLEF

Paul Lisi, RMT

Anthony Mack, RMT

Danni Rogers, RMT

Phil Saunders, ASLEF

Bill Teale, RMT

Stephen Wakefield, ASLEF

Martin White, RMT


Paul Arnott, RMT

John Edmonds, HR Business Partner

Mark Langridge, RMT





1.0 Items raised by the H&S Representatives


1.1 Diesel fumes and dust whilst tamping in cut and cover tunnels


  SSL staff now refusing to work with tampers. Anthony Mack gave an overview:


·         This issue had been previously raised at Tier 1 and Tier 2 meetings in TransPlant one year ago.

·         Staff are not assured by the level of protection in the cab

·         Staff are exposed to diesel fumes, emissions and dust.

·         You cannot communicate when wearing full face mask.

·         A trial was promised but has not been carried out.

·         Personal monitoring of the tamper crew was promised has not been carried out.

·         Certificates for exhaust emissions have not been requested but not produced.


  Paul Rankin advised he fully supported getting the above resolved. A meeting is to be arranged with Paul Rankin, Andy Pereira, Tony Jessop and Paul Cooper to take this forward.

Action: Paul Rankin


1.2 No fire evacuations taking place at Stratford and other locations at night when most staff are in attendance


  Bill Teale said that Mark Langridge had originally raised this issue but was off sick.

·         Raised at Tier 1 and 2.

·         A test was scheduled at SMD but cancelled at the last moment.

·         This has been ongoing for 2 years.

·         There are lots of contractors that are not familiar with SMD


  Paul Cooper advised TfL Facilities were now responsible for fire evacuations. Paul Rankin is to follow up.

Action: Paul Rankin

1.3 Request that the PPE Committee is reinstated


  Bill Teale advised that it was reinstated but abandoned after one meeting. It should be a regular meeting.


  Paul Cooper and Donna Goodwin-Sobczyk to arrange the PPE Committee meetings.

Action: Paul Cooper/Donna Goodwin-Sobczyk

1.4 Appropriate arrangements should be made for reps to attend H&S Exhibitions


  Martin White advised that reps had not been notified of when H&S exhibitions were on, been released to attend or had any involvement in them.


  Paul Rankin said this needs to be discussed and coordinated at management level and he is happy for the reps to be involved.
1.5 Up date regarding the Euston number 4 escalator diamond issue


  It was noted this issue is already on the open action tracker and was originally raised by Paul Arnott who was not at the meeting.


  Escalator left in passenger service with a passenger emergency stop covered up after contractor cut into a cable. There was a meeting on 16 October with Robin, Andy Derbyshire and Paul Cooper.

A follow up meeting is to be arranged with Robin, Paul Rankin, Paul Cooper and Paul Arnott.

Action: Paul Rankin/Paul Cooper

1.6 Engineers train paths – Unrealistic train travel times


  Michael Jones advised:

·         Trains were coming back late

·         They shouldn’t be getting back after 6.15 – should be cancelled

·         Was advised it would take 3 months to sort out the train paths on the district line


  Paul Rankin is to speak to Andy Pereira and Charles Carter to get a better understanding of the above issues and provide feedback at the next H&S forum.

Action: Paul Rankin

1.7 Communications on outcomes of IRF’s


  Bill Teale advised the H&S reps never get the outcome of an IRF or any feedback. Managers should be notifying a rep of the outcome if it an issue the reps were involved in.


  Paul Rankin said that IRF’s could be reviewed at local monthly H&S meetings and fully supports these meetings taking place.


Paul Cooper is to check the IRF list to ensure all the H&S reps are on there.

Action: Paul Cooper

1.8 Clarification on Station and Site access – passes and permits
  Bill Teale said there still seems to be a great deal of confusion as to what is necessary to access a Station or work site. Pat Gaskin was not able to access a site with his PTAC.


  Paul Cooper is to get a definitive statement on what is required to access stations and sites.

Action: Paul Cooper

  Transplant H&S Reps are not provided with details, results of fact finding or reports of the safety incidents listed below:
1.9 Incident 1: SPAD involving Schoma locos 3+9 pulling tamper 774
1.10 Incident 2: Two separate incidents of handbrake failure of JLE wagons
1.11 Incident 3: Current not discharged in a specified area, member of train crew lucky not to get electrocuted.
1.12 Incident 4: Train returning to Ruislip depot from a weekend site uncoupled en-route.
1.13 Incident 5: Track Recording Vehicle (TRV) on the Northern line.
  Peter Bickers advised that the TransPlant reps had not been notified officially of the above incidents but had been told by other drivers. They had requested further information, updates and reports from management but this had not been provided despite chasing several times. H&S reps are entitled to be part of the investigations.


  A regular ‘H&S review’ meeting is to be arranged on a monthly basis with the H&S reps, Paul Rankin, Andy Pereira and TransPlant management to review all of the incidents. Paul R will also have a separate discussion with TransPlant management.

Action: Paul Rankin

2.0 Minutes of Last Meeting and Matters Arising


2.1 The minutes of the 17th December 2015 were agreed as a true record.
2.2 Refer to the action tracker for the latest status of actions.
3.0 Health & Safety Quarterly Overview


3.1 Paul Cooper gave an overview of performance during Periods 09 – 12 2015/16 (15th November 2015 – 5th March 2016).


High Potential Incidents and Noteworthy Incidents are currently included in the report but will be included from the next report.


The section titled Assets: System Safety Precursors will be presented in a different format going forward.


Paul is to get the H&S reps registered for inspection training.

Action: Pau Cooper




4.0 Safety Bulletins & Alerts


4.1 Paul Cooper gave an overview of some recent Safety Bulletins.
  It was noted that the AP JNP H&S reps had not been receiving the recent HSE Bulletins that had been issued.


Donna Goodwin-Sobczyk is to speak to ask Joanne Parker if the HSE Alerts and Bulletins distribution lists can be updated.

Action: Donna Goodwin-Sobczyk

5.0 A.O.B


5.1 Anniversary of  staff member killed in service


  Danni Rogers said there had been no communication regarding the 40th anniversary of Julia Stevens who was killed in service and the company should do more to mark the anniversaries of staff that have died in service.

Action: Angela Back

5.4 The next H&S forum will be held on Thursday 23rd June at 10:00 in Auditorium 1, WFC.


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