Welcome New Starters

August 30, 2015


New Starters Leaflet


Branch Secretary Paul Jackson,
Mob: 07810 643 681
Email: LUEngineering@rmt.org.uk,
Email (LUL Addresses): PaulJackson.rmt@gmail.com

Welcome to the RMT.

Dear Colleague,

Our Branch looks after many of the activities of the Infrastructure companies that undertake work on London Underground. We are currently the largest RMT Branch in the country and have very many diverse roles among our membership. These range from the General Secretary of the RMT (who is in our Branch) to high ranking managers, from Permanent Way Staff to administrative staff. We even have a lorry driver! We currently have members from nearly forty different companies and we can proudly state that we are an ALL GRADES union.
As a new member you may well have a few questions about what is going on within the union, who your local representations are, sort out any problems or advice that you need etc. One good place to find these answers is by coming to the Union Branch Meetings. We meet on the first and third Wednesday of every month at the Savoy Tup, 2 Savoy St, The Strand, London. WC2R 0BA. This is only a few minutes walk from Holborn, Temple or Covent Garden stations. You can also just give me a call or email me on the contact details shown above and I will be more than happy assist you. Also please check that your details are correct (this can be done online at www.rmt.org.uk) and you notify your union if you change locations or grades.
Below are also some phone numbers to RMT Helplines that you may find useful:
Criminal Helpline: 07659 118 181
Personal Injury: 08457 125 495
RMT Helpline (non-work related legal): 0800 376 3706 or email info@rmt.org.uk


You can also find out more info at www.luengineeringrmt.co.uk
Or join ‘like’ us on facebook www.facebook.com/luengineering.rmt or ‘follow’ us on twitter https://twitter.com/LUEngineering

Many thanks,
Paul Jackson


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