2019 General Election
As you will be aware a General Election has been called for Thursday 12th December 2019.
This matter was considered by a Special Meeting of the NEC this week, who have determined in line with existing policy that the union adopts the same approach as it did previously at the 2017 General Election.
Therefore, RMT’s position for the 2019 General Election is as follows,
The outcome of this election is clearly either a Labour Government led by Jeremy Corbyn whose key policies include support for trade union and employment rights, repeal of anti-union legislation, public ownership of the railways and opposition to austerity or a Tory Government who wish to introduce even more vicious anti-trade union legislation, further austerity and privatisation and attacks on the working class and therefore it is clearly in the interests of RMT members for Labour to maximize its vote, for the Tories to be defeated and for there to be a Labour Government led by Jeremy Corbyn.
The NEC have requested that our members be advised of this position and also the key policy commitments that Labour has previously given that will benefit our members, which I shall be compiling and sending out shortly.
The NEC has also determined that in line with our previous approach Branches can support Labour candidates from their political funds without any reference to the NEC.
Branches are also entitled to submit requests to support other candidates to the NEC for consideration under rule and in accordance with previous AGM decisions.
I will keep you advised of developments.
Yours sincerely