November 16, 2019
World Toilet Day is 19th November, and the International Transport Federation (ITF) is launching a Transport Workers’ Sanitation Charter.  This is following on from the ITF Congress in 2018 which made access to decent sanitation a priority.
Since then ITF Women has continued to lead on this campaign to raise standards globally.  Lack of access to decent facilities and sufficient break times is an issue for all transport workers, but causes particular difficulties for women transport workers.
Time and time again I hear of the difficulties that our members face in either having access to a toilet that is fit for purpose or being given enough break time to use one.  So we are conducting a quick survey to gauge the level of the problem across our sectors to raise awareness about this issue.  Please do complete this survey via the link by 9am Monday 18 November: 
Yours sincerely,
Mick Cash
General Secretary

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