Your branch is supporting Jane Gwyn and Eddie Darroch
Please use your vote if you are a member of the LUL Section of the TfL Pension Fund
Your branch is supporting Jane Gwyn and Eddie Darroch
Please use your vote if you are a member of the LUL Section of the TfL Pension Fund
RMT pledges all-out fight to protect pensions as Government line up savage cuts in TFL funding deal
London’s main transport union RMT pledges all-out fight to protect jobs, pensions and working conditions as Government line up savage cuts in TFL funding deal as details emerge this morning.
General Secretary Mick Cash said;
“It is appalling that the Government are targeting staff pensions amongst a range of other savage measures in this short-term funding deal. I put them on notice that any attempt to hack away at our members pension rights will be met by an all-out campaign of political and industrial resistance.
“These are difficult times for the staff who have kept London moving since the COVID pandemic and it is a disgrace that they are now being set up for a battering in these cuts measures. The TFL staff are essential workers who have performed heroically and RMT will fight off any attempt to hack back on jobs, pay, pensions and working conditions.”
Please be advised that the following resolution was placed before the National Executive Committee by the London Transport Regional Council:
“This Regional Council call on the NEC to endorse the following candidate for the upcoming TfL Pension Consultative Committee election for Section 2: Sister Jamie Parry of TfL No.1 Branch.
This branch believes that we need to strengthen RMT presence on this committee especially in Section 2 where the TSSA have the majority of committee members.
Please consult with Regional Council and current PCC members on the best way to assist this very good candidate.”
In consideration the National Executive Committee on 16th August 2018 made the following decision:
“That we note the endorsement from our London Transport Regional Council of Sister Jamie Parry for the pending election to the TfL Pension Consultative Committee Section 2.
This NEC Endorses Sister Parry, and instructs the General Secretary to inform all RMT members eligible to vote in the Section 2 election for the Tfl Pension Consultative Committee, and render Sister Parry, TfL No.1 Branch and the London Transport Regional Council every reasonable Assistance in this important election.
Members to be advised by email and Text.
Relevant Branches and the London Transport Regional Council to be advised.”
In accordance with the motion, and having liaised with our PCC representatives, emails and texts are being prepared to go out once the ballot papers are due to be sent to members.
I would remind you that it is essential that the RMT maintains a strong presence on the Pension Consultative Committee so that members past and future pension rights are protected. I therefore urge you to encourage members to vote for Sister Parry to maintain the RMT’s voice on this committee.
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I will keep you informed of developments.
Yours sincerely,
Mick Cash
General Secretary
TfL Pensions Fund Elections
Elections for the Pensions Consultative committee
It’s that time again when there are elections for staff representatives to sit on the pensions committee to keep an eye on our money.
Continue reading “Elections for the TfL Pensions Consultative committee”
I refer to Circular NP/079/15, 30th April 2015, as you will recall a resolution agreed at the 2014 National Retired Members Advisory Conference called on RMT Branches and individual members to join the NPC. Subsequently the Council of Executives (National Executive Committee) in support of this motion instructed the General Secretary to circulate to Branches and members information on how they can affiliate to the NPC.
While I would hope Branches and individuals have already affiliated to the NPC I would once again encourage those Branches who haven’t to affiliate.
I would ask all Branches to bring this circular, and attached form, to the attention of members so that they will also be able to support the excellent work the NPC carryout on behalf of pensioners in trying to secure dignity in retirement for all.
Yours sincerely,
Mick Cash
General Secretary
Dear ALL,
We met with LUL on the 1st June in a stormy discussion regarding the proposed transfer of 1600 staff into TfL Engineering Directorates.
The RMT reiterated its opposition to this cost cutting change and our commitment to ensuring that our members are protected and their terms and conditions are not affected adversely by this change.
Below are the major areas that were discussed in summary.
It must also be said that this transfer involves far more people and areas than has been described by the company business case. This aspect needs to be fully explored and anyone not in this scope should not transfer. We believe that there has been a ‘land grab’ to get people into TfL and we will do our own ‘land grab’ to get them back!
The next Branch Meeting for LU Engineering Branch is 7th June at the Savoy TUP 17:00. If you are affected then please attend and give us your views.
The RMT have received a proposal from Thales UK to amend the future pension increases for members of legacy final salary pension schemes (such as Thomson Retirement Benefit Scheme, Thales Optronics Pension Scheme and Racal Group Pension Scheme) and those in the Thales UK Pension Scheme (TUPs) ONLY. This proposal will see future payments from these defined benefit schemes being index linked to the CPI figure rather than the RPI figure which is usually higher.
This proposal would potentially see members having to survive on lower pensions than they would have done under the old scheme rules.
Also worrying, the proposal, though not clear, seem to infer that Thales are going to court and we can only assume that this is to attempt to rewrite the Pension Rules (in effect the promise made to its members) to change the indexation criteria to RPI.
To this end, the RMT have demanded full talks on this matter and will be opposing these changes until this has occurred. Furthermore, should Thales win this matter in court then the RMT will also be referring this matter to our solicitors and will not hesitate to challenge any ruling legally or industrially if necessary. We will keep our members informed of developments
We would like to remind members that intend to transfer into the TfL Pension Scheme to send back their papers and chase up confirmation or replies if they have not received any.
The company intend to map those agreeing to transfer at the same time and it took eight years to win the right to join the fund for Metronet Staff that missed the window when the same process was done with that company. We do not want to have a similar fight and loss of potential pension rights again
So please document that you have sent your forms back or make sure you your forms have gone back and you have gotten confirmation they have been received (for those that have chosen to join the fund)
Following the agreement to implement access to the TfL Pension Fund for Tube Lines staff, LUL management have sent over an additional document regards to areas where further roster work was required for the implementation of night tube.
We understand that talks have taken place now on Lifts and Escalators and Power & Electrical and agreement reached.
This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has taken the following decision:-
“We note the report from our Lead Officer that after over 4 years of negotiation and industrial action that our members working for Tube Lines have won their demands on pensions. They have also been offered the same deal as LUL Staff on Pay and Night Tube working.
This represents a significant victory for our members and we congratulate our Lead Officer and negotiation team and the resolve of our members for winning this excellent agreement.
Our Reps meeting on the 4th November unanimously supported this offer and we instruct the General Secretary to inform the Company that we accept the offer.
We instruct the General Secretary to place an article in RMT News outlining this historic agreement.
Relevant Branches and LTRC to be informed”.
I am currently acting in accordance with this decision.
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary
When the door was opened to allow former Metronet staff to join the TfL Pension Fund, there was some 168 people for various reasons that did not join at that time.
For the last eight years, the RMT have been pushing LUL to allow these people to be given the opportunity to re-enter the scheme.
LUL confirmed this morning that the scheme will be reopened to these individuals and that they would be allowed to become TfL Pension Scheme Members on the same administrative process that will be used to enter Tube Lines staff.
This will mean a major improvement to the terms and conditions of these staff and we hope that people take full advantage to think seriously about making sure this time they are joined into the scheme should they wish to be.
Following over four years of complex and detailed talks between the RMT and LUL, we have finally reached a conclusion.
The below Agreement was placed before all our Tube Lines and Senior LUL Engineering Reps today and was unanimously accepted. This will now be put in front of the RMT executive next Tuesday to ratify.
In summary:
ALL existing members of the Tube Lines Pension or who are eligible to be members, (including those that transferred to LUL and TfL) and future staff will be able to enter the TfL Final Salary Pension Scheme from the 29th January. This is the earliest possible date given the large amount of administration associated with this change and the need to ensure people have enough time to consider their pension options. This will only viable through self funding initiatives which are driven by changes in technology. Implementation of any efficiency project will be negotiated through the Machinery of Negotiation as and when they occur.
A four year pay deal will be accepted. This will amount to:
It should be noted that some PRP staff have already received these payrises. However, for those that have not, this is likely to be paid in the December pay packet along with all associated back pay.
Night Tube
A £500 one off payment to all operational staff for the launch of Night Tube.
Agreement to work together to finalise rosters that need to be altered due to the full implementation of Night Tube. In reality this means staff in Signals, Civils, Power and Electrical that currently work Monday to Friday on Night shifts moving to Sunday to Thursday. This is likely to be the first or second week in January. There are also some talks on Fleet that have already started (Arnos Grove Call Point) that will continue in the present manner. Those particular talks also involve grading issues and any concerned members should contact their local reps for details
Where this causes genuine hardship then this will be considered locally to address this matter. Please contact your local reps or email if this affects you.
Joint Initiatives
Work Life Balance: Looking at ways that working patterns can be altered in a safe and mutually agreed way to give more choice to staff and a better work life balance.
Personal Career Development: Looking at ways to pursue career opportunities across the TfL and making reciprocal agreements with companies such as Lorol.
Agreement on each of the issues above was dependent on us agreeing the whole package.
The RMT has stood firm throughout this dispute and we believe this is a tremendous step forward for our members pay and conditions and will end a two tier Pension workforce.
Once our National Executive have ratified the deal, we will put up more information as to it implementation and the full agreement