ISS Finger Printing

October 6, 2014



Further to my previous Circular No. IR/246/14, 19th September, members voted overwhelmingly in favour of taking industrial action. Following this result, extensive talks have taken place under the auspices of ACAS and we are now in a position that allows our locked out members to return to work with dignity, including a hardship loan from the Company for those that need it. The options that have been given to individuals returning are as follows:-


  1. A position on an alternative ISS Transport Contract with offer a London Living Wage (LLW) as a standard basic hourly rate of pay. This option would not require Biometric sign on/off but there is no RMT recognition.
  2. A position on an alternative ISS Transport Contract in London on the respective hourly rate (lower than LLW). This option would not require Biometric sign on/off.
  3. A position resuming work on the London Underground contract, with continuation at the individual historic rate per hour (LLW). With colleagues resuming required to use Biometric sign on/off.


The Company also gave assurances at ACAS that all employees will be treated with dignity and respect and that clear policies are in place to deal with any harassment, bullying or victimisation.


Further meetings will be arranged at ACAS during January 2015 to review the introduction of the biometric time and attendance system.


The General Grades Committee and Lead Officer applaud the stand that our members have taken over this issue and note that the measures agreed at ACAS are the best way forward and are acceptable to those affected. I have informed the Company accordingly and will keep you informed of any further developments.

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