Opps TUPE’d the Wrong People

July 17, 2017

In quite an amazing show of incompetence, LUL have admitted that they have sent letters to staff involved on the TUPE transfer from LUL to TfL and had not even managed to get the dates correct. More worryingly than this admin error, they also seem to have welcomed people to TfL that were not even part of the TUPE Transfer!

The RMT argued against this rushed and badly organised project and it beggars belief that errors of this kind could occur. An extract from the LUL HR correspondence to us is shown below:

“Proposed transfer of Engineering, Major Projects, PMO and Change Delivery activity from London Underground Limited (LUL) to Transport for London (TfL)

As you are aware the TUPE of Engineering, Major Projects, PMO and Change Delivery from LUL to TfL took place on 9 July.

A letter has been sent to the Engineering TUPE population welcoming them to TfL. It has been brought to my attention that this letter had the incorrect transfer date and has been sent to a number of individuals not in scope of transfer.

TfL HR are working to identify how these errors occurred, put measures in place to rectify and will reissue corrected welcome letters and letters of apology at the earliest opportunity.

I apologise for the confusion. Should you receive any queries from your members regarding the receipt of a TfL welcome letter I would advise they contact their HRBP in the first instance.”

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