RMT LT Retired – next meeting, events

April 20, 2018

Dear Brothers and Sisters,


The next meeting of the LT Retired Members Branch will be on 8th May at 14.00 in Unity House, 39 Chalton St NW1 1JD. (A week later than usual because of May Day)


As usual we will have reports, discussion and updates on RMT and retired activities including a report from the National RMT Retired Members conference.  There will be a key discussion on Labour – should the RMT re-affiliate? This is part of the consultation process taking place across the union, leading up to a decision at a Special General Meeting on 30th May.


We are fortunate to have as our guest speaker Sarah Boston, author of “Women Workers & The Trade Unions”.


Please pass this on to retired members who may be interested.




Olly New


Branch Secretary

07931 198501


  • Two years of RMT strike action – say no to Driver Only Operation: on Wednesday 25th April RMT members are asked to join a protest outside Parliament at 11.30 am in Old Palace Yard, SW1P 3JY. This will be followed by a meeting inside Parliament.
  • May Day Demonstration Assembles 12.00 noon, Tuesday 1st May in Clerkenwell Green, nearest tube Farringdon. Rally in Trafalgar Square.

A New Deal for Working People” – TUC are holding a national march and rally on Saturday 12 May 2018 and RMT is planning a huge contingent. Assemble 11.00am Victoria Embankment WC2N 6PA


  • RMT Cuba Garden Party Wednesday 13th June – order tickets at the branch meeting


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