November 21, 2018
RMT welcomes calls from deaf members via text relay.  It is no longer necessary to have a textphone to use this service – the member just needs to download the NGT (Next Generation Text) app to a smartphone or other device such as a tablet. Captions are created by a relay assistant in a call centre and displayed via the app. Hearing users can use the relay service without any special equipment or software. The relay service is free at the point of use and available 24/7.
The NGT app is available from the App Store, Google Play or, and there are instructions on the website about how to associate the deaf user’s phone number with the app and how to acquire a TextNumber – a new phone number that brings the relay service in automatically when dialled. (Calls from deaf users to hearing users need the prefix 18001 before the phone number to bring the relay service in.)
Deaf members may also be interested in emergency SMS, which enables deaf people to call the emergency services via SMS (text message). To register for this service, they need to text the word ‘register’ to 999 and then accept the terms and conditions.
There are some helpful FAQs about text relay and other communications services for deaf people on Ofcom’s website here:
If you have any queries regarding the above, please do contact our Equal Opportunities Officer, Jess Webb,
Yours sincerely,
Mick Cash
General Secretary                                                                                                            

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