Thales Furlough Scheme

April 15, 2020

At this time we have significant concerns regarding the Thales Furlough scheme that affects some 112 staff and mainly members:

*   Thales have so far not agreed to include shift allowance in their scheme as per the government advice ref normal rates of pay
*   We are unclear how the pay back scheme will work and we believe that this should not be applied
*   It appears that work is still being given to external sources that our members can do and there are currently many contractors being given work to do at home (we believe)

Furthermore we have stated that they cannot do this contractually without consent and also our position is for 100% pay.


We are still meeting with Thales and are awaiting a reply regarding shift uplift

Therefore at this time we cannot recommend the NEC agree to the Thales Furlough terms

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