Category: Health and Safety



Further to Head Office Circular NP/115/16, 11th April 2016 the TUC have published a guide for union workplace representatives as part of their campaign to make all workplaces asbestos free, RMT is part of this campaign.

The guide sets out details of the scale of asbestos substances in the workplace, the legal position and debates the question of whether to remove asbestos or leave it in place. The guide concludes with a section on what steps health and safety reps should take in the workplace.

Please find attached a copy of the guide which can also be downloaded from the RMT website at:


Copies of the guide will also be sent directly to RMT Health and Safety Reps.

Health & Safety Issues: Trackside House

The situation at Trackside House: Stratford Market Depot Messroom has long been undesirable. It is over crowded and not good enough to cope with the large numbers of staff based there.

Following a recent inspection and the fact that even more staff are due to be has now made this issue intolerable and serious management action by facilities needs to take place.

Therefore the below advise is issued to our members with a reminder that staff have the right to refuse to work if they feel that they are in serious and imminent danger.


Dear Union Members

We have agreed not to condemn the locker room today and to resolve the outstanding issues with management over the next few days on the basis that all the “new” extra white lockers and benches restricting the emergency walk way are removed prior to any member being asked to use the room (ie before tonight’s shift)
This was agreed, and if it has not/ does not take place, we recommend staff do not access the room on the grounds of H&S

Following a routine inspection of the male locker room facilities a number of issues which have been identified and raised many times over a long period of time either remain or have become even more hazardous , We believe these are a substantial risk to our members health and safety.

This has almost lead to local Union H&S reps condemning the use of the male locker room on health and safety grounds.

Some of the substantial issues are listed below:

1: Benches/seating situated along the fire exit walk way restricting the width of the walk way and potentially obstructing staffs exit in an emergency

2: Benches/Seating could also possibly cause collision injuries if staff had to move quickly through the area in an emergency due to extreme reduction in space

3: Emergency exit signage isn’t visible from all areas of the locker room

4: Benches had been removed from the seating area running down the centre of the locker room and replaced with lockers, restricting the full use expected for comfortable changing in and out of work PPE

5: Width between lockers reduced to 800mm in some places making it impossible for staff to be able to change in and out of PPE safely and unobstructed and without contaminating the clean clothes of nearby colleagues

6: Width between lockers restricted when locker doors are open on both sides to between 000mm and 300mm reducing path ways to inaccessible and presenting a serious collision hazard

7: Access to windows for ventilation restricted or obstructed

These are just a few simple examples of the issues which have been brought to us by numerous members.

It is worth remembering that this is not a “legacy” building but a room originally created just a few years ago for Signal works and Track staff at that time, and as such should maintain high standards of welfare rather than the constant degradation of conditions that has taken place in those few short years.

There was also an incident raised (IRF) regarding the possible contamination of the male locker area, which is now being checked out by the hazardous materials unit (HMU)

We have also been working closely with management over the day and into the evening resolving some of the issues now and agreeing to talk further with a view to resolving all the issues asap.

We would also like to ask at this point if staff and members could please keep PPE in lockers or the drying room after each shift to help maintain good house keeping and free up space for people on shift to use accordingly.

If tools could be locked away in the appropriate areas and lockers.

Materials return to their rightful places and storage areas.



Working in a possession – May 2016

The Secretary



Dear Colleague


Further to Head Office Circular NP/077/16, 1st March 2016, this matter has again been considered by the National Executive Committee. Discussions with the company have been continuing to our representatives satisfaction. The National Executive Committee carried the following resolution:

We note the report on file from the Lead Officer which sates that good progress has been made in the safe system of work in a possession. We further note that agreement of this document will be used to create a training programme so we therefore instruct the General Secretary to inform LU that we accept the document on safe access and working in possessions.

 However more work needs to be done on how possessions themselves are created so we therefore remain in dispute until this matter is resolved.

 Relevant Branch and LTRC to be informed.

I shall keep you informed of progress with this case. Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members.

Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary


Working in a possession 3 – May 2016 Final Draft

Working in Possessions: Code of Practice

Following discussions on safety on the track with regards to the Section 15 dispute, it was recognised that there was issues on how safe management of staff working in a Possession was undertaken. To this end our health and safety reps on LUL and Tube Lines have been working with management to produce the following final draft ‘Working in Possessions: Code of Practice’.


Working in a possession 3 – May 2016 Final Draft


This document is now being reviewed by the RMT National Executive and if they accept it, this will then be used to produce the detailed training that staff will need to be safe at work.

The RMT will then start to negotiate on how Possessions are created and maintained (Section 15 of the Rule Book) and our dispute still remains live with plenty of work to do before we can be fully satisfied that our members are safe when working on the Track.



You will recall from the contents of NP/021/16 1st January 2016  Circular, that the attacks on Trade Unionists and Health & Safety reps in particular are not just confined to other parts of the globe, but are taking place right here on these islands. The TUC have issued further information and detail with regards to events for this year, please make every effort to attend and where ever possible contribute. As a reminder to the previous circular in January I will keep it enclosed in this mailing.

Every year more people are killed at work than in wars. Most don’t die of mystery ailments, or in tragic “accidents”. They die because an employer decided their safety just wasn’t that important a priority. Workers’ Memorial Day (WMD) commemorates those workers.

Workers Memorial Day is held on 28 April every year, all over the world workers and their representatives conduct events, demonstrations, vigils and a whole host of other activities to mark the day. The day is also intended to serve as a rallying cry to “remember the dead, but fight for the living”.

The TUC coordinates activities across the country, publishing a comprehensive listing of events and suggestions. If you are organising any events in your area please let me know and I’ll make sure it goes on the TUC website. See

A listing of the global activities is available from the Hazards website.

In 2016 the theme for the day is “Strong Laws – Strong Enforcement – Strong Unions”.  Across the world we are seeing growing attacks on health and safety protection, including in Britain where the Government have removed protection from millions of self-employed workers, and across Europe where the European Commission are pursuing a dangerous de-regulatory strategy. However strong laws are not enough if they are not going to be enforced. That is why we need proper inspections and enforcement action against those who break the law. Here in the UK the number of inspections has fallen dramatically in the past five years, however in many other countries enforcement has always been non-existent. That is why we also need strong unions. Unionised workplaces are safer, yet the Government is trying to stop unions protecting the health and safety of their members by restricting the right of health and safety representatives to take time off to keep the workplace safer, and also trying to reduce our right to strike when things go wrong.


Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of all members.

Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary



A report and correspondence came in from the Relief Regional Organiser and from RMT members working on track tamping machines in tunnels around the Hounslow area. The concern appears to be the use of additional diesel powered generators being used in tunnel sections and/or shut and cut areas. There was also a concern over an alarm sounding to give notice of excess fumes in the area and a person from the contracting company attempted to remove them by placing them up his jumper and under his PPE jacket.

The National Executive has taken the following decision:

“That we note the report on file.

 This NEC is extremely concerned with the content of this report, where an individual’s disregard to safety equipment could potentially have had serious implications on our members Health & Safety. Accordingly, we instruct the General Secretary to immediately follow this issue up through the effected Health & Safety representatives and a report to be placed back in front of this NEC within 14 days. All further developments to be placed before us. Branches and regional councils to be advised”   

 I am in the process of carrying out those instructions.

Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members.

Yours sincerely

Mick Cash



There continues to be asbestos all around the railway infrastructure and in other locations where we also organise. RMT Members are reminded almost monthly of the damage and loss that occurs amongst our members, families and friends due to the continuous attack on people’s health by asbestos and its fatal associated diseases. Members have called for the elimination and safe removal of asbestos from across all infrastructures, and to campaign politically and industrially to have this goal reached. Activities and campaigns planned include the following, and we fully expect this programme to develop and expand.

Article on Asbestos Deaths and the development of the campaign will be in the April issue of RMT News.

  • There will be a follow up article in the next issue of RMT News from Thompsons detailing in more detail the RMT asbestos register and how many members are protected by it against future claims, how much the PI team at Thompsons have secured in damages.
  • Health and Safety RMT Conference 2016 had as its theme Cancer at Home – Cancer in the Workplace. All delegates to conference have received a copy of RMT/TUC Occupational Cancer – Workplace Guide.
  • With regard to the high profile campaign it should be noted that the TUC is currently running a similar campaign “Remove this killer dust – make all workplaces asbestos free”. This campaign has broadly similar aims: A political campaign to force employers to survey their workplaces by 2022 and to have all asbestos removed by 2035. This campaign stems from an All-Party Parliamentary Group on Occupational Health and Safety report – “Why Britain needs an eradication law.”
  • TUC are currently focusing on opposition to the Trade Union Bill but have indicated they would welcome support from affiliates.

The National Executive has taken the following decision:

“That we note the report on file and welcome the forthcoming articles on asbestos to be published in RMT News. We also note the TUC Asbestos Eradication Campaign and instruct the General Secretary to ensure RMT join this campaign. A further progress report to be placed back infront of the NEC during stats week of June 2016.

 Branches and regional councils to be advised”   

 I am in the process of carrying out those instructions.

Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members.

Yours sincerely

Mick Cash

General Secretary

Section 15: Working in a Possession

Following intensive discussions with LUL and Tube Lines management over the Section 15 dispute, progress is consistently being made to ensure that we have a safe system of work for the track.

The initial work has focused on working safely within a possession and a draft document has been produced to further comment (see below).


Working in a possession 3 – April 2016


LUL have also agreed the following:

Summary of the discussion:

  • Code of practice as attached to be shared at your branch meeting and then ratified with RMT executive if acceptable to our members
  • Briefing presentation powerpoint to be altered to reflect today’s agreed changes to code of practice
  • Possession masters and possession worksite access controllers to be given training as a priority in the new code of practice
  • Pilot sessions for the briefings to be held in May with feedback given
  • Bob Doyle to provide schedule for briefings to take place
  • Approx 1st June – briefings to commence for all maintenance staff and code of practice to be launched
  • After 1st June – condensed on site briefing at all possessions to be given to staff for the duration of the briefing period (note – this will not replace the standard briefing)
  • Approx 1st July – new updated BTA/IWA/PWT training to be launched


  • To be delivered in groups of 15-25 people
  • To be delivered by a trainer or trainer equivalent
  • Staff to sign for briefings
  • Staff to be given a physical ticket to say that they have been briefed – we are looking at whether this can be indicated on track certificates
  • Staff that will be working in possessions will be prioritised to attend briefings first
  • RMT representative to attend each briefing

We believe talks are continuing to be collaborative and successful in helping achieve our aim of safety first for track working and access. Without the solidarity shown by our members, none of this would be achievable

Section 15 Update

Talks have been continuing under the auspices of Acas and through a formal LUL investigation into incidents that have occurred within Possessions in General.

Your representatives have reported a far greater willingness to listen and are reporting progress in producing a safe system of work for our members.

However, there is still work to be done and a formal meeting will take place at Acas at the end of the week to see if full and final agreement has been reached


LUL TLL Section 15 Newsletter

Section 15: Why the strike was suspended

Section 15: Why the strike was suspended

Following extensive talks at Acas, the demands from your representatives were very clear and very basic, WE DO NOT WANT TO BE KILLED AT WORK

The Management Teams from LUL were left in no doubt how seriously we took this and that we firmly believe that Section 15 is the culmination of a casualisation of Track Access Safety to a point whereby our members remain in serious and imminent danger.

We left both companies with a stark choice, in our opinion, that was to either remove the possessions themselves or risk the RMT members doing it for them. We demanded that the Possessions were stopped and we agreed a safe system of work for our members.

After lengthy talks LUL agreed the following

  • LU will suspend the operation of Section 15 for a two week period commencing on Friday 12 February.
  • This will allow for a period of concentrated joint working to address the issues raised in relation to the introduction and application of Section 15.
  • In accordance with the attached Terms of Reference, there will be two separate workstreams focussing on Track and Signals and Service Control respectively.
  • ACAS facilitated progress sessions will take place on 19 and 25 February to ensure that the discussions are proceeding productively and to provide any necessary assistance and guidance.
  • In consideration of the above RMT agrees to suspend any notified industrial action in relation to Section 15 scheduled to take place prior to 27 February, and undertakes not to institute any operationally disruptive industrial action during this period.

The Engineering Terms of Reference are below:

To review and revise as appropriate:

  1. A Safe System of Work for access and working in Section 15 and other possessions (any relevant conclusions from the FIR to be incorporated).
  2. OSN 122 (Section 15).
  3. Working in Possessions guidance document.

We will now work very hard over the next two week to make sure our members are safe at work. If agreement is not reached then we will name strike action again.



LUL Letter Section 15 Suspension


Section 15 Dispute LEAFLET




Further to Head Office Circular NP/032/16, 28th January 2016, a report from the Regional Organiser and a letter from management with a proposal to resolve the dispute has been considered by the National Executive Committee. The NEC have adopted the following Decision:

Further to our Decision No.NWW of 28th January, we note the report from the Regional Organiser, and the letter from LUL on behalf of both LUL and Tubelines.

We accept the proposals from the management that they will suspend all Section 15 Possessions and return to the safe system of work from this Friday for two weeks. We note that further talks are planned.

 We therefore suspend our instruction to members not to book on for shifts between 06:30 Friday 12th February 2016 and 06:29 on Saturday 13th February 2016.

 We maintain our instruction to these members to take action short of a strike by doing no working of any kind in a section 15 Possession, and by taking meal breaks as per agreements.

 We continue with the ballot for action of our Service Control Grades over the imposition of Section 15 Protection.

 London Transport Regional Council and Branches to be advised. Members to be advised by text and e-mail.

 I am acting on these instructions.

Section 15: Frequently asked Questions

LUL have sent out a Bulletin regarding Section 15 Possessions and the Keystone Cop approach to safety. Here is our reply


Frequently Asked Questions




 NOT Frequently Asked Questions – Section 15 Possession Protection


To:          RMT Members ONLY

Date:      2nd February  2016

I know nothing about Section 15. What is it?

Section 15 is one several possession protection methods in the various LU Rule Book 15’s. The difference with this protection method is that it is aimed at undermining the need to book out with the Track Access Controllers by booking on with god knows who on the night and remove the need for professional Protection Masters directly looking after you and your track access.

How does the Possession Master find out that the last train has gone and traction current has been switched off?

The Service Controllers (SC) are being balloted over this very issue. The awareness of last trains is clearly defined in Protection Master training and everyone knows what to do if they miss the last one. The Protection Master is therefore certain that it is safe to allow staff onto the track. It is about trying to save money and nothing to do with safety.

Does Section 15 change engineering staff access to possession worksites?

The amazing thing is that LUL seem to be claiming that it is NOT only Section 15 Possessions that are dangerous, they ALL are. Let us be clear, Section 15 Possessions are aimed at undermining our safe system of work that we would currently do with a Protection Master and  Booking out with a Track Access Controller

Isn’t Section 15 just another way of adding ad hoc work into engineering hours?

Yes, of course it is. Section 15 fundamentally changes the way we access the track. We book on with a Lead SPC, or his mate or whoever eventually answers the various phone numbers that we are given. It is not a safety critical role and these possessions are being used to cover large track areas for general and unplanned work. These are instead of the Track Access Controllers with a Safe System of Work and therefore not an enhancement to access but a step backwards

It seems like Section 15 was rushed into use without proper consideration or testing.

Section 15 was indeed rushed in. Yes, it went through the same LUL processes that allowed a Rail Grinder to work on  the Northern Line without a proper breaking system. The talks with the RMT were a sham and LUL imposed the procedure half way through them. Any incident within a Section 15 Possession is always declared as ‘not their fault’ and there was many recorded incidents. LUL could not even say whether staff had the correct certification because they failed to audit or control the process. It was not a trial, it was an imposition

Isn’t Section 15 just about increasing efficiency?

Yes, it’s purely about saving money. They save money by ending the tried and tested role of the Track Access Controller. They save money by removing Protection Masters from each gang. YES that will hit you in the pocket, no £10 per shift on LUL and wave goodbye to the £1000 a year on Tube Lines. This is about working to the limit without training and without control.


I’ve heard that Section 15 is safer for protection staff accessing the track. Why?

OMG does anyone really believe this is a real question and not a made up one from LUL employment relations team? Removal of the safety critical role of the Protection Master and replacing it with an adhoc and poorly or untrained Lead Site Person in Charge is not progress. The whole problem with Section 15 is that it introduces human error into a safe sytem that was compueterised and well understood. We rely on memory, we rely on someone telling us the train is moving, that we are safe, that we are even there. There has been several slips where people could have died. The truth is, we do not ballot lightly, we are not asking for any gain, we are only asking to come to work, do our jobs and go home ALIVE



Can the current be recharged after the published time?

YES, if the Service manager makes a mistake, and we all do when we are tired, then the only way to contact you is through a faceless Possession Master with many groups to control.


Haven’t there been recent safety incidents with Section 15?

Yes, there has. There has been many. Every incident is either covered up or described as a ‘nothing to do with Section 15’. When LUL have been asked, would this have happened if we had booked out through the track access controllers, we are met with silence


What was the cause of the incident in December?

There was a major incident where staff were incorrectly authorised and nearly accessed the track as a train was coming into the section. The confusion came because there was more than one Section 15 Possession and the Lead SPC from the wrong area gave permission to access the track. LUL argued that this was not a near hit because they did not access the track! Again there was no use for this Section 15 Possession and this incident would NEVER have happened if normal Track Access Arrangements had been in place. There have been briefings, very poor ones leaving people none the wiser at the end of them! Why not just properly TRAIN people. LUL say that if you would like more information please contact your manager. We say do that too because most of them do NOT have a clue either because they have not been trained either.


If I want more information about Section 15 where can I find it?

LUL have produced a propaganda film so please watch it. It is available on YouTube: and would be funny if it was not such a serious issue.


Every journey matters and so does the lives of every track worker


