Category: Political

International Brigade commemoration 2015

To the Secretary all Branches,

Council of Executive members,

Regional Councils and Regional Offices


Monday 08th June 2015



Dear Colleagues,


International Brigade commemoration 2015


This year’s commemoration at the International Brigade memorial in London’s Jubilee Gardens (Belvedere Road, SE1 8XX) will be held on Saturday 4 July.


Members of both the National Union of Railwaymen and the National Union of Seamen fought in the International Brigades and will be amongst those remembered on the day.


RMT is affiliated to the International Brigade Memorial Trust and I encourage you to attend.


I have attached a flyer for the event.


Yours sincerely,



Mick Cash

General Secretary


International Brigade commemoration 2015


Emergency resolution to RMT AGM 2015: Anti-Trade Union Laws

The following resolution was carried at our branch last night


Emergency resolution to RMT AGM 2015

Anti-Trade Union Laws


This AGM condemns planned attacks on trade union rights by a Try government serving the rich and powerful.

The government proposes to make any strike in the rail industry illegal unless 50% of eligible voters take part in the ballot AND 40% of eligible members vote in favour;  This from a government that was voted for by less than 25% of those eligible to vote in the General Election.

RMT will approach other transport unions and propose a joint campaign against the proposed legislation. RMT will also approach other trade unions who represent members in essential services including Unite, Unison, FBU, teaching unions and others to mount a joint campaign.

RMT will submit resolutions to the TUC in 2015 calling for:

  • A campaign against further anti-union legislation amongst trade unions representing members in essential services and in the wider trade union movement.
  • A commitment for the TUC to organise a general strike should legal action be taken against any trade union or trade unionist in connection with the proposed Tory laws.

Emergency resolution to RMT AGM 2015: RMT and Political Strategy

The following resolution was carried at our Branch meeting last night


Emergency resolution to RMT AGM 2015

RMT and Political Strategy


The establishment of a majority Tory government will put this union on an unavoidable collision course with the new administration. The new government has immediately stated its intention to introduce further anti-trade union laws; to intensify attacks on welfare and to privatise more of our public services. RMT commits to fight against this agenda, which serves only the rich and powerful and was supported by less than 25% of the British electorate.

The failure of the Labour Party to mobilise sufficient support to defeat the Tories is a result of decades of political retreat that has left Labour insufficiently distinguishable from the Conservatives. Labour’s insistence on balancing the budget by cutting welfare and public services as well as focusing of immigration control gave credibility to Tory lies that Britain can no longer afford welfare and rising wages.

The SNP was able to pose as being to the left of Labour because of Labour’s slavish adherence to Tory spending plans. UKIP were able to take large votes from Labour in working class areas because of Labour’s failure to offer an alternative.


This AGM believes that the 2015 General Election, and reaction inside the Labour Party since the election, vindicates the decision of RMT to call for a new workers party and to support TUSC and other left wing and progressive candidates in local and general elections (including some Labour candidates). RMT will continue to adopt this approach under rule. However we feel that it would be a backward political step to re-affiliate to the Labour Party as it would prevent our union working with and backing non Labour Party candidates and prevent us from backing TUSC and other socialist and progressive candidates. It would also cut us off from the most progressive section of the working class in Scotland who have turned their back on the Labour Party.


RMT will now step up our campaign to win support, throughout the trade union movement for a new workers party based on trade unionism and socialism. We will appeal to other trade unions to take part in a debate about the political representation of the working class.


Trade Union Rights Demonstration

To the Secretary all Branches,

Council of Executive members,

Regional Councils and Regional Offices


Thursday 28th May 2015


Dear Colleagues,


Demonstrate against the attacks on your trade union rights


A number of direct attacks on your trade union rights featured in the Queen’s Speech on 27 May 2015, including:

  • the introduction of a 50% voting threshold for union ballot turnouts (and retain the requirement for there to be a simple majority of votes in favour)
  • in addition to the above, there will be a requirement that 40% of those entitled to vote in favour of industrial action in certain essential public services (health, education, fire and transport).
  • the legislation will also seek to place additional restrictions on picketing and introduce an opt-in process for the political fund element of trade union subscriptions
  • it will introduce time limits on a mandate following a ballot for industrial action and make changes to the role of the Certification Officer

It is important to note that the new Business Secretary was elected below the threshold he plans to impose on trade unions, and that there are further draconian proposals in the Conservative Party manifesto.

I am sure you all agree that it is now vital that we take to the streets on 20 June and tell the new government to End Austerity Now. Now is the time to mobilise, to spread the word and to show the full force of anti-austerity opinion in Britain. Encourage family and friends to attend and ensure we are out in force, in a large visible bloc and that this demonstration is the biggest protest seen in London in years. Please assemble at 12pm, Bank of England (Queen Victoria St) City of London or members in Scotland at George’s Square, Glasgow.

Yours sincerely,


Mick Cash

General Secretary




Circular Peoples Assembly Demo Against Austerity June 20th

Tuesday 12 May 2015



National Policy Circular NP/84/15/BO


To the Secretary all Branches, Regional Councils,

Council of Executive Members, Regional Offices.


Dear Colleagues,



After the last few days I am sure you all agree that it is now vital that we take to the streets on June 20 and tell the new government to End Austerity Now. With the Tories able to go it alone in government we know exactly what to expect – more privatisation, more destructive cuts, more anti trade union laws and more attacks on our communities.

Now is the time to mobilise, to spread the word and to show the full force of anti-austerity opinion in Britain. Others look to the RMT for inspiration so it’s down to us to ensure we are out in force, in a large visible bloc and that this demonstration is the biggest protest seen in London in years.

Please do everything you can to maximise attendance.


Yours sincerely,


Mick Cash

General Secretary
